If you get a chance its a good time to come down and take a stroll through the Garden. The tomatoes; grapes, cherries, Romas, yellows are all ripening. Also, today I picked the first brocollini and strawberries. I have been harvesting kale, lettuces, Swiss chard, and bok chow.
I have received several thousand onion sets of Florida sweet onions. The geraniums are blooming now and look spectacular!
Adding a few gardening tips for you here:
- After all this wind and rain it would be a good time to apply a good fungicide to your vegetables and fruits.
- You want to check your plants for insect activity and apply an insecticide along with the fungicide.
- Remember on your strawberries to remove the runners which you pinch or cut off at the base. This helps the plant produce fruit and not extra vegetation.